Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Turkey Day!

So today's topic is related to Thanksgiving. I have to write about what I'm thankful for. To start I'm most thankful for my family and friends. My family has always been there for me through everything and they always will be because that's what family is all about. My family in particular has had it's rough spots and we've always been there for eachother. I have a rather small family but we love eachother like a big family. As for my friends I can always count on them when things don't work out or fall through. I know some of the friends I have today I will still be friends with years and years from now. I know I will still keep in touch with them and we will still be close. That's how I know that they are true friends. To me, without family or friends you don't have much going on. That's why I'm glad that I'm fortunate enough to have what I have.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Me, Myself & I

So today we have to write about the hero or heroes in our life. Honestly the only hero I have is myself. In the past many people that I put trust in have let me down, soon I came to my senses and figured that if I trust myself more than others than that won't happen anymore. Ever since I was a little kid I've been very independent but as I got older I became even more independent. I can always believe in myself and I can always have in myself. I know me better than anyone on earth and there's nothing wrong with that. I self protect to keep myself from being betrayed and hurt. I love myself and that's not a sin. I can always depend on myself to be there and get through things. I think being independent have given me strength. I've gotten myself out of deep troubles. I don't think you can get anywhere if you don't believe in yourself but that's just me. So I am my own hero.

Monday, November 16, 2009


So I just finished my art imovie. I chose Joan Miro as my artist. And no,it's not pronounced like Joan, he's a boy. It's pronounced like Juan. He's from Barcelona Spain and was a really amazing artist and I think he deserves more recognition that he's gotten. When you think about major artists you think of DaVinci, Van Gogh, Michaelangelo, Andy Warhol and so one and so forth. I never heard of my artist before I started this project. He made a glass mural that took from the age he was like 74 to 85 that's dedication. I plan on looking up more of his works in the future. Go Joan Miro!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Times of Trouble

The bad economy has effected my life in huge ways. My mom works at a nursing home monday-friday and since the economy has been having trouble my mom at one point had three jobs. She worked during the week and saturday and sunday. Not so great. I live with just my mother so I never got a chance to spend any time with her at all. The only time we spent was in the morning and before bed. Not a huge gap open for quality time. Also it's been a lot harder to get money to take the SAT and ACT tests. Right now both tests are extremely important being that it's my senior year. They're not expensive to do but not cheap either. I try not to complain too much because I know that there are people out there who have it a lot worse than I ever will. Some people lost their homes, jobs and cars. I haven't lost much compared to them. I try to keep perspective of that.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Evil at it's Finest...

So today I have to blog about who I think the most evil character in MacBeth is. That's a little hard to decide. I'm thinking there's a close race between Lady MacBeth and MacBeth. Lady MacBeth is the one who convinced MacBeth to commit murder in the first place so she clearly has an evil mind. But MacBeth followed through with it and actually acted on it. He's the one who killed someone. Both of them I think are evil. MacBeth is his own person, he didn't have to listen to Lady MacBeth but he did which shows that he has the ability to kill. Lady MacBeth is very selfish and power-hungry and will do anything to get what she wants. They are the two main characters and also provide the most drama and excitement in the story. I think it's a tie between the two.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

30 lines...

Okay. So I almost got scolded for not doing my 30 line blog but I ran away. So I guess I better do it now before it's too late. I'm going to blog on adoption. Having my own experience with this topic this shouldn't be too difficult. I was adopted when I was two months old. My birth mother was 17 when she had me. She wasn't married, she was still in school, and a lot of other stuff was going on her life. Not to ignore the fact that Asuncion, Paraguay is DIRT POOR. Not really a place you would want to be. I was adopted by a single woman. Adoption is a much more draining, long and intense process than people think it is. My new mom spent a year in Paraguay before she even saw me. If you want to talk about hours upon hours of paperwork then we can talk about all the paperwork involved with adoption. Aside from all that, one of the hardest parts about the whole thing is what happens when the child is handed over. There are 2 kinds of adoption. Closed and Open Adoption. Open meaning that the child can go back and have contact with their biological family if they want to in the future. You get visitation and time together. Closed adoption being when you have none of that. Also the mother/father leave no information about themselves. Mine was closed. If I had to give up my child for adoption I would never do a closed adoption. I believe that every child deserves to know about where they come from and who they came from. I don't have the ability to that. For many reasons I've wanted to know somethings about my past and I can't find out. If I were to go back to Paraguay and even attempt to find them I would probably end up looking around some country for roughly 5+ years. No joke. I think whatever choice you make on a child's life should be well thought out and done responsibly. If your heart is with the child's heart then you will make the right decision.


When I think of MacBeth and how he thinks, honestly it's hard to compare him to anyone else. So I will have to pass. Reason being...when I think of people with an evil mindset like Saddam Hussein or Hitler they killed millions upon millions of people. They planned and acted like MacBeth but compare all the people killed by them to the ones killed by MacBeth. Big difference. I think MacBeth was very power-hungry and wanted to be in control but I think everyone at some point has a desire to be in control of everything and we can't. I think MacBeth was also very selfish. Usually when someone is so obsessed with getting attention that usually means they have no backbone, no confidence or self-esteem. MacBeth clearly had no backbone because he let Lady MacBeth persuade him. On the other hand he has a conscience. I don't think MacBeth can be really compared to anyone.