Monday, October 5, 2009

Today’s Topic: You are finally a senior! What do you want to accomplish this year? What are the things you’re looking forward to doing? What are things you want to avoid? What are your goals?
This year, I want to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. I want to keep B's and A's in all my classes, especially my math and english classes. I also plan on taking the SAT Test and I'm going to study for that so I won't have to take it over again. I'm also going to get my community service hours finished up. I want to start looking more at colleges and not so much the ones near home. I'm going to start looking at ones in different cities like Tampa, Pensecola and Ft.Lauderdale. I want to visit the colleges and look at their websites online. I'm really looking forward to the senior trips, walking at graduation with my classmates. I'm excited to see how the year wraps up. Things I want to avoid is doing too much at once so I don't have trouble focusing on things. I'm doing things one at a time so I don't overwork myself. I want to avoid slacking off obviously. My main goals are just to do my best so I can get into a good college. I want to get a good education so in the future I can provide for myself and my future family with a good job. I am considering being a teacher of some sort. I just don't know if I want to teach things in music or maybe a history teacher. I know I want to be around kids and work with people. I like teaching people new things and helping out so I think teaching is the direction I want to go in. I have a set plan to achieve all these things. I'm just going to work hard, do my best and do everything I can to go the extra mile and make the good look great.

1 comment:

Summer Marie said...

i agree I also would like to get all A's and B's but i don"t see that happening any time soon. I feel like whatever I do is never good enough so I often think why should I try to if people just bring me down on the way. My mom means well but she never really supports me anymore since my dad has a brain issue things are pretty tough on me.