Thursday, October 15, 2009

What if...

So today I get to pick my own topic. Sweet. Well I have to start off with the words: What if... So I decided to say, what if I had never been adopted and was still in South America. Well honestly I don't talk about my adoption that much, it's kind of a sensitive topic for me to talk about sometimes. I don't know why. My adoptive mother told me I was adopted when I was about 10. My birth mom had me when she was 17. I've never met her and probably never will, same with my dad. Long story. Basically I've just been thinking and wondering about what my life would be like if all that hadn't happened. My mom spent almost a year in Paraguay before they handed me over. Wow, that sounds bad. Haha. I was just a baby, two months old to be exact. Well I can imagine, I would be on the streets of Paraguay, with no shoes on, bug bites, dirty, ripped clothes, and trying to find something to eat. Paraguay is no palace. I would probably have some brothers or sisters, may be living in some type of hut. There's a bunch of possible situations I could be in. But think about it. I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be at Bayshore. I wouldn't have a full tummy after dinner, I wouldn't have the friends that I have now. Certainly no ipod. That would stink. Sometimes when I'm sad or mad and I don't think things could be any worse I try to imagine how things could really be. My life here compared to how it could be there is like day and night or black and white. I'm glad I got adopted. If I hadn't I may not even be alive.


Mitch-EZ said...

wow! That's some serious situations to think about, and I'm certainly glad that you have the friends that you do now.

Unknown said...

soy paraguayo y prefiero mil veces ser paraguayo que de otra nacionalidad, por supuesto que hay pobreza en mi pais pero siempre se puede salir adelante. viva la gloriosa republica del paraguay.