Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Driving and Texting.

I don't drive while texting because I don't drive lol. But if I did, I would be smart enough not to text when I'm driving. I know of some people that text while driving and I think that people understand how dangerous it is. I think that teenagers always have the mindset that they are invincible They always think that nothing bad can happen to them or their friends but the truth is that it can happen to anyone in a second. However just because you make a law against it or some type of rule it doesn't mean you can stop everyone from doing it. But I think if enough people break the habit then others will follow. However I think it will be like how the law says you can't legally drink until you are 21, that may be the law but it doesn't mean that they will follow it. I think texting while driving is stupid but the only thing that can stop people from doing it is themselves.

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