Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Driving Videos.

So the first video I saw was pretty graphic and had to do with texting while driving and the other one was about putting on your seatbelt and was deeper and not graphic at all. For me they both caught my attention in different ways. The one about texting while driving I think is proof that texting while driving is just as big an issue as not wearing your seatbelt these days. I don't drive therefore I don't text and drive so I had no idea how much damage it could do. Seeing a graphic video I think has a bigger affect on people. Blood and guts just kind of sticks with you. However the one on wearing your seatbelt was quite capturing to but in a different way. It showed a father, his wife and a daughter which shows that it without a seatbelt your loved ones are in danger. I liked the concept and the setting. I think there are millions of ways to advertise but with issues such as seatbelt wearing and texting while driving you have to be really careful with how you portray things and I think both creators of these videos deserve a pat on the back.

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