Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So Bayshore's a D school? Mmm, I'm not suprised. When I look around I don't see an A school. I don't see a B school. Or even a C school. I see a D school. When I came here as a freshman I was discouraged with what I saw and I still am. I think we deserve the grade that we have. As far as the teachers, I've had some pretty crappy teachers. I'm not going to name anyone specific out of respect but I have a few in mind...every year I have at least two that just don't work for me. I should look forward to going to every class I have but I don't feel that way sometimes. I don't feel inspired. Students, don't appreciate jack. They take everything for granted. This is free education that not everyone has. I hate watching people just sit around and do nothing. It bugs me. That's usually what I see around here. I know some people that work really hard but they're in the minority. I'm not going to write a whole story about why Bayshore is a D school because it's not something that everyone can't see for themselves. I can't make changes for the school, the school has to make changes for themselves. That's it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

LOTF Project...

So time is up on my project. The peeps in my group were Savannah and Madison. I'm glad they were in my group. We laughed a lot and still got a good amount of work done. I think for a newspaper, it looks quite appealing. I like to write and look at pictures so I was excited about doing a newspaper. It just took forever to find a stupid newspaper template for Mac! :[
But eventually, I found one. Madison did the survival column which was one of the most important parts and Savannah found the awesome pics and the comic which was crucial too. I did the main story and the obituaries. If I had to do anything different different it may have been to focus on the main story more, which was the plane crash of course. I kind of just wrote or typed a bunch of stuff down and didn't spend that much time on it. Whoops. Well other than that I'm proud of the work my group and I did. I hope we get a good grade. Shucks :D

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What if...

So today I get to pick my own topic. Sweet. Well I have to start off with the words: What if... So I decided to say, what if I had never been adopted and was still in South America. Well honestly I don't talk about my adoption that much, it's kind of a sensitive topic for me to talk about sometimes. I don't know why. My adoptive mother told me I was adopted when I was about 10. My birth mom had me when she was 17. I've never met her and probably never will, same with my dad. Long story. Basically I've just been thinking and wondering about what my life would be like if all that hadn't happened. My mom spent almost a year in Paraguay before they handed me over. Wow, that sounds bad. Haha. I was just a baby, two months old to be exact. Well I can imagine, I would be on the streets of Paraguay, with no shoes on, bug bites, dirty, ripped clothes, and trying to find something to eat. Paraguay is no palace. I would probably have some brothers or sisters, may be living in some type of hut. There's a bunch of possible situations I could be in. But think about it. I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be at Bayshore. I wouldn't have a full tummy after dinner, I wouldn't have the friends that I have now. Certainly no ipod. That would stink. Sometimes when I'm sad or mad and I don't think things could be any worse I try to imagine how things could really be. My life here compared to how it could be there is like day and night or black and white. I'm glad I got adopted. If I hadn't I may not even be alive.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bumps in the road....

Well this being my senior year, it will certainly be memorable. However, that doesn't mean I won't have to face challenges or obstacles along the way. Honestly this year will be life changing for me. My biggest obstacle is for me to start over. Starting over with lots of things. All through high school I feel like I've taken everything for granted. I didn't appreciate the fact that my education is free. This year I'm going to work my butt off, I'm going to study, read, write, test, solve and explain, and all that other good stuff. I want a good future and I'm the only one who can make it that way.

As far as more personal obstacles...that's a different story. For a whole year and a half I put all I had into one person. BIG MISTAKE. I made sacrifices. I cared too much. I have nothing to show for it except a broken heart. Regardless I know I will be alright because I learned from it. What did I learn? I learned; the most important relationship you will have in life, is the one you have with yourself. I need to overcome pain from my past and I will. I need to move on and I will. I need to take care of myself first and I will. I just smile when I feel like crying. Not to get all mushy on you but that's real right there. I love how I never realized how strong I was till now. It's beautiful thing.

Well that's about it. I'm going to grow as a person. Sweet.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The good old days.

Ahh just the thing I want to think about, my freshman year. Shoot man. When I was a freshman I'm not going to lie I was scared. You would be lying if said you never felt intimidated, challenged or nervous. I knew High School was going to be a different world compared to Middle School. Honestly I don't believe I was taking it seriously. Middle school was such a breeze, the only thing I worried about was getting in the lunch line early enough. My freshman year I was still a little middle school kid. Joking around, causing trouble, goofing off all the time. Looking back I would do everything differently. I didn't appreciate it much. Free education is something not everyone has the pleasure of having in their life. I wish I had worked harder, made wiser decisions, not have worried about the little things and most of all I should've looked at the big picture. Surviving the high school years is not as difficult as it can seem. I've discovered the one key to making it come to together is to stay true to yourself, not give up and work you butt off. I would use another word but I can't :] You can worry to much about fitting in. You can't worry about who likes you and who hates you. It won't matter in the long run, they're not the ones in control of you destiny, you are. Don't slack off! It's the worst thing you can possibly do. You'll regret it, I promise. Don't depend on anyone but yourself, you're not always going to have people to hold your hand the whole way there. That stops when you hit puberty ;] well it did for me at least.... So to wrap this thing up, you have control of you life, don't screw up. Take advantage of life. Live everyday like it's your last. I don't know who came up with that quote but whoever it was, they had the right idea. Good luck.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Today’s Topic: You are finally a senior! What do you want to accomplish this year? What are the things you’re looking forward to doing? What are things you want to avoid? What are your goals?
This year, I want to maintain at least a 3.0 GPA. I want to keep B's and A's in all my classes, especially my math and english classes. I also plan on taking the SAT Test and I'm going to study for that so I won't have to take it over again. I'm also going to get my community service hours finished up. I want to start looking more at colleges and not so much the ones near home. I'm going to start looking at ones in different cities like Tampa, Pensecola and Ft.Lauderdale. I want to visit the colleges and look at their websites online. I'm really looking forward to the senior trips, walking at graduation with my classmates. I'm excited to see how the year wraps up. Things I want to avoid is doing too much at once so I don't have trouble focusing on things. I'm doing things one at a time so I don't overwork myself. I want to avoid slacking off obviously. My main goals are just to do my best so I can get into a good college. I want to get a good education so in the future I can provide for myself and my future family with a good job. I am considering being a teacher of some sort. I just don't know if I want to teach things in music or maybe a history teacher. I know I want to be around kids and work with people. I like teaching people new things and helping out so I think teaching is the direction I want to go in. I have a set plan to achieve all these things. I'm just going to work hard, do my best and do everything I can to go the extra mile and make the good look great.