Monday, May 24, 2010

Final Thoughts...

My final thoughts on this class...Well for one, the whole blogging then kind of bothered me. I don't mind blogging ever once in a while since we're going to be blogging in college and it's good practice but I chose this art class cause I thought we would be doing real art projects. In the beginning we did the name plaques and we painted our coat of arms but after that we didn't do much art related stuff. I love to paint, draw and make things but we didn't do much of that. I haven't taken an art class since elementary school and so I chose this one but I would consider it more of a blogging class in an art class room. Sorry. The other thing that comes to mind which is he main thing is that I wish I had received more positive feedback on the things I did. The majority of the time I turned my stuff in on time unless I was absent and I have had absences due to health issues. Whenever I turned in something that I had pride in I always got mixed feedback. I never felt fully confident in the things I did cause I feel like I got more negative feedback than positive. When I get negative feedback I just don't wanna work anymore so I just wish I could've gotten nicer feedback. That's how I feel but I've already expressed it.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Farewell, chiao, adios, ellaleqa

I don't think it's hit me yet that I'm graduation...but I'm sure it will hit me when I'm walking in my plastic yellow gown crying haha. I don't have my graduation speech with me so I will give a few words to incoming seniors instead. Basically senior year is the funnest and also the hardest. I'm not gonna lie. The biggest tip I can give you is plan and simple: never give up. That obtains to a lot of things; school work, your personal life and things you wanna achieve. When you think the work can't get any harder just keep working no matter how tired you get. Discouragement is the biggest cause of failure. No one wants to fail. Oh, another tip. Just be yourself. There's that old saying "I would rather be hated for who I am than to be loved for who I'm not" or something to that effect. That's the mind frame we all should be in. I would rather have no friends and love myself then to totally have no confidence at all but all the friends in the world. I know from experience. Trust me. Senior year won't be easy. There's lots of pressure, from parents, teacher, peers ect. but it's all worth it when you walk down that stage. Just keep going and don't stop.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Teens and Internet

I have a myspace and a facebook and I go about every other day just to check my mail and sometimes put up pictures but I'm not like those people that update their status every single day. I'm kind of a private person and I don't like everyone knowing my buisness so I don't feel the need to tell everyone what I'm doing and when or why. My facebook has helped my keep touch with people or find people from elementary school that I haven't talked to in years. Myspace also helps me keep touch with people but I don't feel the need to go on everyday. I don't get that bored, sorry haha. I think it's lame how people become to obsessed with it. With texting, I don't text a lot either. I only text maybe 4 people mainly. I don't text people and have long conversations, I usually just text for emergencies or information. I see my friends all the time so I don't need to text them a million times a day. Call me boring haha.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Not too long ago I blogged about some videos my class watched on texting while driving, I guess this is supposed to be a continued blog on the same issue. Pretty much texting while driving is plain stupid. It's been proven that when you're driving and talking on the phone or texting you're attention isn't fully on the road, which causes accidents. I don't drive yet but if I did I wouldn't make the mistake of texting while driving. I think people underestimate how much damage it can cause. I don't text as much as the average teenager, I only text a few close friends or if it's something urgent. I don't let it interfere with my school work or activities and no I'm not addicted haha that's ridiculous. That's all I can say about this blog. I don't feel good, I'm tired and in a crappy mood. Leave me alone.