Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Not too long ago I blogged about some videos my class watched on texting while driving, I guess this is supposed to be a continued blog on the same issue. Pretty much texting while driving is plain stupid. It's been proven that when you're driving and talking on the phone or texting you're attention isn't fully on the road, which causes accidents. I don't drive yet but if I did I wouldn't make the mistake of texting while driving. I think people underestimate how much damage it can cause. I don't text as much as the average teenager, I only text a few close friends or if it's something urgent. I don't let it interfere with my school work or activities and no I'm not addicted haha that's ridiculous. That's all I can say about this blog. I don't feel good, I'm tired and in a crappy mood. Leave me alone.

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