Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The good old days.

Ahh just the thing I want to think about, my freshman year. Shoot man. When I was a freshman I'm not going to lie I was scared. You would be lying if said you never felt intimidated, challenged or nervous. I knew High School was going to be a different world compared to Middle School. Honestly I don't believe I was taking it seriously. Middle school was such a breeze, the only thing I worried about was getting in the lunch line early enough. My freshman year I was still a little middle school kid. Joking around, causing trouble, goofing off all the time. Looking back I would do everything differently. I didn't appreciate it much. Free education is something not everyone has the pleasure of having in their life. I wish I had worked harder, made wiser decisions, not have worried about the little things and most of all I should've looked at the big picture. Surviving the high school years is not as difficult as it can seem. I've discovered the one key to making it come to together is to stay true to yourself, not give up and work you butt off. I would use another word but I can't :] You can worry to much about fitting in. You can't worry about who likes you and who hates you. It won't matter in the long run, they're not the ones in control of you destiny, you are. Don't slack off! It's the worst thing you can possibly do. You'll regret it, I promise. Don't depend on anyone but yourself, you're not always going to have people to hold your hand the whole way there. That stops when you hit puberty ;] well it did for me at least.... So to wrap this thing up, you have control of you life, don't screw up. Take advantage of life. Live everyday like it's your last. I don't know who came up with that quote but whoever it was, they had the right idea. Good luck.


anndria said...

Hola Taylor! I definitely agree that you have to be yourself, and that you control your own destiny. said...

Taylor, I like all the good advice you gave the freshman. Good job. said...

Everything you said is so true. Great Job.